Presentation: Enrollment 101

Posted on August 28, 2024

Watch a presentation from UNCG Enrollment Management discussing an overview of enrollment.

Strategic Plan Campus Open Forums

Posted on April 09, 2024

The Strategic Plan Advisory Committee will host two virtual open forums in April. The forums are designed to provide information and receive input from campus stakeholders before the committee drafts a plan this summer. Each 90-minute session will include the same foundational information about the current plan, goals of the refresh, timeline and process followed by an open discussion with some guiding questions.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend a session and provide their insight to the Strategic Plan Advisory Committee. The two Microsoft Teams forum options are:

  • Monday, April 22, 3:00-4:30 p.m. Join the meeting ID: 246 841 585 993 Passcode: 3bBsFK
  • Tuesday, April 23, 3:00-4:30 p.m. Join the meeting ID: 275 733 334 242 Passcode: DHqXLC

For those unable to attend, the foundational information shared at the forums will be available at Questions and suggestions may be submitted to [email protected]

Advisory Committee named

Posted on March 27, 2024

Following a previous update on the Strategic Plan Refresh, I’m pleased to announce the formation of the Strategic Plan Advisory Committee that will guide the update of Giant Steps 2.0. This university committee will be seeking your input as the process unfolds, making recommendations, and drafting a refreshed plan to present to campus Fall 2024. Campus feedback on the draft will inform a final plan submitted to me in December. Members were selected from a large pool of excellent nominees submitted by Deans and Chancellor’s Council. They represent a wide range of skills, experiences, and constituencies. Join me in thanking them for taking on this important role and I look forward to the results of their effort. 

Chancellor Gilliam 

  • Wade Maki, Chancellor’s Fellow for Strategic Planning & Principal Lecturer of Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences (chair) 
  • Cathy Akens, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs  
  • Juliette Bianco, Cone Memorial Endowed Director, Weatherspoon Art Museum  
  • Joi Bulls, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs, AP Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, School of Health and Human Sciences 
  • Bill Brown, Associate Dean & Professor of Finance, Bryan School of Business and Economics 
  • Morgan Chitiyo, Professor & Chair of Specialized Education Services, School of Education 
  • Sarah Daynes, Graduate School Faculty Fellow & Professor of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences 
  • Ian Draves, Curriculum Analyst, Graduate School & Co-Chair, Staff Senate 
  • Tami Draves, Chair, Faculty Senate & Professor of Music Education, College of Visual and Performing Arts 
  • Yvonne Eaves, Senior Associate Dean of Academics & Professor, School of Nursing 
  • Jennifer Etnier, Julia Taylor Morton Distinguished Professor & Chair of Kinesiology, School of Health and Human Sciences 
  • Jen Feather, Associate Professor & Head of English, College of Arts and Sciences 
  • Christine Fischer, Head of Technical Services & Associate Professor, University Libraries  
  • Hewan Girma, Graduate School Faculty Fellow & Assistant Professor of African American & African Diaspora Studies, College of Arts and Sciences 
  • Joel Lee, Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management  
  • Scott Milman, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration  
  • Sherine Obare, incoming Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement 
  • Joshua Ritter, Senior Lecturer/Theatre Manager, College of Visual and Performing Arts 
  • Audrey Snyder, Associate Dean for Community Engagement and Academic Partnerships & Professor, School of Nursing  
  • Madelynn Stackhouse, Assistant Professor of Management, Bryan School of Business and Economics 
  • Edna Tan, Hooks Distinguished Professor of STEM Education, School of Education 
  • Andrew Hamilton, Dean of Undergraduate Studies (ex-officio) 

UNCG’s Strategic Plan, Giant Steps, to be Refreshed

Posted on March 19, 2024

Dear Colleagues, 

To meet this pivotal moment for higher education, we need an organizational framework that mirrors where we are — the challenges, demands, and opportunities specific to this period.  

And so I’m pleased to announce that UNCG is embarking on a refresh of our strategic plan — Giant Steps 2.0 — that will continue throughout 2024. This update will build on the strong foundation of the existing plan, providing us a chance to align our core institutional blueprint with the fast-changing higher education landscape. This is yet another step in our efforts to seize our great potential and reimagine UNCG. 

Specifically, the updated plan will better reflect how we are evaluated by our governing bodies and — importantly — by those at the heart of our mission: the North Carolinians who depend on us. Working together, we will show students, families, communities, and other stakeholders that we are fulfilling their needs efficiently and effectively.  

The first step is to form a Strategic Plan Advisory Committee. Its role will be to advise Provost Storrs and me on the updated plan’s development. Committee members will engage community stakeholders this spring to hear ideas and gather insight into the current landscape, including the UNC System’s strategic plan and our own funding model, performance metrics, budget, and enrollment. 

After offering ideas to leadership and gathering feedback, the committee will draft a plan over the summer. Next fall, students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders will provide feedback on that draft. The committee will submit the final plan to me for implementation beginning in January 2025. 

This endeavor will demand the time and talent of many faculty and staff. Wade Maki, the Chancellor’s Fellow for Strategic Planning, will chair the committee. Its membership will be announced soon. 

Count on transparency and clarity throughout the process — and a constant focus on moving UNCG forward thoughtfully, productively, and sustainably. I encourage you to seize on forthcoming opportunities to engage. After all, the outcomes of the process will only be as good as its inputs. As I recently said to our faculty, we need your talents and ideas. The intellect, experience, and passion that all of you bring to the table, positions UNCG to lead higher education into a new era and a strategic plan refresh is a vital step. 

Thanks in advance for your support and engagement. Stay tuned for more details. 

Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr. 